How do i download custom content on steam workshop
How do i download custom content on steam workshop

how do i download custom content on steam workshop

This also makes sure that the game won’t accidentally overwrite your work if, for example, you allow other people to submit updates to your item. Steam Workshop Download/Install: Alternatively, you can download Resource Packs via the Steam Workshop, which we suspect will be the primary method for most players. The reason for this is that you may continue to edit your mod in the LocalMods folder, while still being able to host servers with the version you last published to the Workshop. Once you have published a mod, you may notice in the “Installed Mods” tab that two versions of your mod are available: There are two ways to install mods: you can either subscribe to mods via the Steam Workshop (this installs the mods automatically), or you can download mods. Once you hit the “Publish” button, the game will upload it to the Workshop, install it and, if required, open the Steam overlay to ask you to accept the Steam Subscriber Agreement.

how do i download custom content on steam workshop

You’ll want to write a description, select a preview image, pick tags, write a change note and choose who gets to see it. Once you click on your non-published mod, you will be greeted with the following screen: It’s worth noting that this isn’t required to host servers with mods, as players will be able to download any required mods directly from your server. Once you have put together a mod that you wish to share with the world, you can publish it to Steam Workshop through the “Publish” tab in the modding menu.

How do i download custom content on steam workshop